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    Search Results - Author:"Eaton, Susan E."

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    Integration Nation: Immigrants, Refugees, and America at Its Best


    Integration Nation: Immigrants, Refugees, and America at Its Best

    by Eaton, Susan E.

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    Library Journal

    The Children in Room E4


    The Children in Room E4

    American Education on Trial

    by Eaton, Susan E.

    With our nation's urban schools growing more segregated every year, Susan Eaton set out to see whether separate can ever really be equal. An award-winning jour...

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    Library Journal

    The other Boston busing story


    The other Boston busing story

    what's won and lost across the boundary line

    by Eaton, Susan E.

    "METCO, America's longest-running voluntary school desegregation program, has for 34 years bused black children from Boston's city neighborhoods to predominant...

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    Reviewed In:

    Library Journal


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